Soul Retrieval Offer for Half-Off Courses

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Soul Retrieval Offer for Half-Off Courses

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Receiving a Soul Retrieval Session pairs well with my courses.  So much so that you can get 50% off any and all courses as long as you purchase within a week of having a soul retrieval with me. 

Get results in a single session!

Check it out here:


About Soul Retrieval

SHAMANIC HEALING AND SOUL RETRIEVAL can assist in attaining life goals, restoring health, releasing old behavioral patterns, and emotional and psychic pain. It can help to relieve symptoms of anxiety, depression, fatigue, and stress.  My soul retrieval sessions are extremely comprehensive and designed to restore your missing soul parts in a single session.

Shamanic Healing and Soul Retrieval may offer effective and lasting healing in one session for the following:

  • Fatigue
  • Depression
  • Lack of passion
  • Grief and trauma
  • Feeling like you don’t belong
  • Unresolved issues

Shamanic Healing and Soul Retrieval also support:

  • Feeling secure in who you are
  • Living in your power
  • Speaking your truth
  • Finding your passion and soul purpose
  • Gentle and accelerated healing

My Soul Retrieval and Shamanic Healing sessions provide comprehensive healing in a single session.

Session includes:

  • Power Animal Discovery
  • Connection to a Star Being or similar spirit guide
  • Clean up on energetic dynamics from your family of origin
  • Personal messages about you soul path and/or current situation
  • Retrieval of soul parts from former romantic partners and cleanup on past relationships
  • Soul Retrieval work
  • Additional Healing work as directed by the guides

My goal is to restore energy and power and to provide a solid, healthy foundation in a single session. I’ve been doing this work for over 20 years, and I have an extremely effective process and team of guides for this work. Please note, if your life has had extremely high levels of trauma and you’re new to a healing path, a follow-up shamanic healing session may be recommended. However, for 90% of my clients, all of the above can be covered in a single session.

Many of my clients find shamanic work immensely helpful in gaining clarity about issues such as career, relationship and their soul purpose or life lesson. Shamanic healing can be used to address the spiritual aspect of illness- be it physical, emotional or mental. It can increase the effectiveness of other forms of healing, including regular medical and psychological treatment.

Shamanic healing works with your essence energy, which can be described as your soul or your spiritual self. It encompasses the intangible aspects of your being, including gifts, qualities, and aspects of who you are. When the physical body dies, this soul or essence continues.

In creating a healing opportunity, it is useful to first do healing work on the soul or essence level. The soul or essence is the blueprint that tells the other levels of your being (your life force energy, your mind, your emotions and your body) how to be. It informs the universe and world around you what type of relationships and experiences to manifest. Shamanic healing and soul retrieval are very effective tools for working on this level.

Clients who come with a deep commitment to their personal healing and a willingness to change and grow often experience our work together to be life changing. After a healing session, clients often find it harder to swallow their truth or accept situations where they are not being honored, regardless of the economic or emotional advantages of that situation. Please make sure you are open to life changes before you consider making an appointment with me. The work I do on the essence level is very gentle, but it can have a tremendous impact on your life. Because this work takes place outside space and time, it is possible to perform shamanic work from a distance. All sessions are recorded.

Shamanic Healing and Soul Retrieval Session

Life’s traumas, dramatic or subtle, can cause portions of one’s vital life force to become separated, creating dramatic imbalances in our lives. Symptoms such as depression, fatigue, memory gaps or general dis-ease can receive profound healing through soul retrieval. When performing soul retrieval, I journey into the shamanic world and retrieve these separated soul parts and return them to my client. Soul retrieval is one of my favorite healing techniques and one of the most powerful. One session is generally enough to address all past experiences of soul loss and can leave the recipient with unprecedented levels of wholeness.

In a shamanic healing and soul retrieval session, I start with a Power Animal Discovery to identify and connect my client with two power animals. Power animals are spirit guides in animal form that provide a connection to primal life forces, protecting and guiding us in the physical and spiritual world. Discovering and forming a relationship with your power animal may alleviate conditions such as lack of energy, tendency towards mishaps, or feelings of vulnerability. Likewise, a relationship with your power animal can provide support and guidance through major life transitions.

Next I look at the overview of my client’s soul or essence and consult with the guides about anything that is out of alignment besides soul loss. Often the guides have me heal contracts, past life wounds, or realign the energy field. Many times a Star Being comes to join the person. If there has been childhood or past trauma, I may go back to those events and work to release the energy in shamanic reality to remove the energetic anchor of that painful experience. I also do extraction work as needed, removing spiritual and energetic intrusions. Then, I do the soul retrieval work, bringing back the pieces that my client has lost.

Sessions vary since whatever work I do is directed by the guides. My sessions are designed to provide a profound healing that is completed in one session.  That being said, please note, the suggestions and information that will be provided in this session are intended for personal growth and exploration. The session is not a substitute for professional medical advice or psychological treatment.  While there’s a powerful impact in shifting to a fundamental wholeness at the soul level, it’s not a magic bullet that can be expected to instantly resolve long standing emotional or psychological issues.  Sometimes it there is a significant improvement in those areas overnight, but more often, the soul retrieval provides a foundation that means that other efforts to heal mind and body have greater results.  Whatever challenges you face, you’ll be more resourced and resilient with you soul essence present.

Because the work is occurring at the soul level, how this experience translates to the conscious human level varies from person to person. It’s not unusual for these sessions to be described as life changing. Sometimes, the results are very subtle and come in the form of increasing strength and wholeness. The session takes about an hour and a half.  Please make sure you can have privacy and uninterrupted time for that duration.

Book a session here:

Special Offers for my Soul Retrieval Clients:

Want to learn more about Soul Retrieval?  Check out my full Full Soul Retrieval Articles Series

About Soul Retrieval- This article is the comprehensive overview of my soul retrieval process, including information on what to expect during and after a shamanic soul retrieval session.  I have my clients read this article before their session.

About Soul Retrieval- Cliff Note Version- This a condensed version of my About Soul Retrieval article for those who aren’t up for reading quite so much detail and want a shorter version.

Does Soul Retrieval Make You Tried- Soul retrieval can sometimes (but not always) make individuals feel tired as the body undergoes deep healing and integration. This temporary fatigue, usually lasting 48-72 hours, indicates that old energy patterns and blockages are being processed, paving the way for increased energy and vitality in the long term.

Soul Retrieval Side Effects and After Effects- Soul retrieval can result in various positive side effects, such as increased vitality, emotional healing, improved mental clarity, and stronger spiritual connections. It can also cause shifts in relationships.

What is a Soul Retrieval? Soul retrieval is a shamanic healing practice that restores fragmented parts of the soul caused by trauma. The process involves identifying and reintegrating these lost parts to enhance vitality, emotional healing, mental clarity, and spiritual connections.

Soul Retrieval Session- Learn about the soul retrieval sessions I offer and how to book your session today!

9 Benefits of Soul Retrieval Discover the profound benefits of soul retrieval, including restored vitality, emotional healing, spiritual growth, and enhanced self-awareness for holistic well-being.

What Is Soul Loss? Learn about soul loss in detail.  Discover its causes, symptoms, and how shamanic soul retrieval can restore wholeness and well-being.

11 Soul Loss Symptoms- Learn about soul loss symptoms such as fatigue, depression, anxiety, and emotional numbness. Identifying these signs is the first step towards healing through practices such as shamanic soul retrieval.

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